Sunday, May 17, 2009

Do not worry

Final thoughts from todays sermon.

Realize, know, and believe that you are a child of God, heirs to the throne of Grace. If God is for you, who can be against you? Do not be afraid, for God is with you, and He will never leave you, or forsake you.

May we all see the blessings of God and give those blessings back to Him.

Much Love,

joe mikey mapa

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hey all,

We just finished recording new songs to go to the Bridgeway242 outreach cd to give out freely to newcomers.

Visit to hear the songs

May we all see the blessings of God and give those blessings back to Him

Much Love,
joe mikey maa

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is a site that i've been keeping up with.

Please take a look at

i've been going through the One year bible, and one of the scriptures that were highlighted today was Psalm 89. Verse 14 of Psalm 89 says "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your [The Lord's] throne".

Its been said so many times, that it may be even an overused phrase now. But we cant sing songs of worship without justice. brings to light the issues going on in the world, and gives us empowerment of what to do about it. Also, sometimes we can feel overwhelmed that there is so much to do. But the truth, and comfort is that we are not supposed to do this ourselves. I've been reading "The Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. Stearns is the World Vision CEO and he writes that though there is a lot to do, all of us (especially Christians who believe what God says) need to come together and do something about it. That it's not just for one person.

So go to, and they even separate the issues going on so you can be even more specific at what you are passionate to fight. i in particular read the end human trafficking site on frequently because i have a passion in trying to stop that.

May we all see the blessings of God and give those blessings back to Him

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Yesterday was a really good night. i opened for this guy named Wendell Kimbrough (who's a really good, and pretty talented guy btw) at Ebenezers Coffeehouse. It was also my first paid gig ever (only paid 4% of the tickets revenue, but hey, we all gotta start somewhere right? :c). Feeling extremely blessed to be able to write songs and be able to play then in front of people. Apperantly it was a sold out crowd at Ebenezers, so that was also really cool.

i was thinking today, that life would be a lot easier if i made a lot of money (not sure if its random or not), and then i got to thinking "yeah, it would definitely cause me not to worry". But then, that thought bothered me for a little while. i started thinking, why cant i stop worrying now? Also, why am i worrying now? What do i have to worry about? If i have put my life in the hands of an All Knowing, All Powerful God, why am i worrying? i then started to feel silly about that thought, and decided to just not worry today.

Looking back on my crazy life, and this crazy and amazing ride that i'm on right now, i'm realizing that i have always been taken care of. Even when i lived off of 300 bucks a month (which is a lot in many countries), i still have been able to eat every day, and live well. And i thank God for that. Anyways, so those are my thoughts for the day.

Thank you for the people that came yesterday to support me, i really appreciate it, its definitely easier when there's some people i know in the crowd. Thank you for showing me your love and encouragement. Tonight i will be in Rockville doing a set in an Arts Night. i am very excited for that, and am contemplating playing an entirely new set just cause its random. Is it cliche' to say i feel blessed? If it is.... whatever....

May we all see the blessings of God and give those blessings back to Him

Much Love,
joe mikey mapa

Monday, January 26, 2009


Hey ya'll..

you all gotta get your hands on this CD called CompassionArt. 12 Artists got together last January and decided to write worship songs and give it all away to fight injustice throughout the world. The great thing about having 12 different artists write songs, is that they all have different musical backgrounds, so no two songs sound the same. The songs are really great, and can definitely be used for congregational worship.

In other news, life has been really great. i have felt so blessed this weekend. i got to do a workshop for my old youth group (Chinese Bible Church) at their winter retreat, then go home and go see Fiction Family with my beautiful fiance'. Then on Sunday, it was one of those times of worship through songs that i live for. i truly felt the heart of a pleased God, and He really blessed me and the congregation. Not only that, there are some songs flowing out right now that have been a blessings to me, and i hope to be a blessings to you all... Praise the Lord!

i've been learning a lot about the Love of God recently. And as much as i learn, i'm learning even more that i have a lot to learn :c). i can barely comprehend, that there is this God that has known you and me since before we were, and He still loves us. Even typing these thoughts dont seem to do this thing justice... Amazing

i will be opening for this guy named Wendell Kimbrough on February 6th at Ebenezers coffeehouse in Washington D.C. Its near Union Station. And i'll be in Rockville, MD the next day as well. Check out my website at the dates page for more info...

May we all see the blessings of God and give those blessings back to Him.

Much Love,
joe mikey mapa

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wow, its been a long time

Hey guys...

Man.. its been a really really long time since i blogged. A lot has happened this fall, and its been amazing. i've hopefully grown a little since august, and i'm really loving life right now. A quick announcement, if anyone in the DC area is free Friday February 6th, i'll be opening for this guy named Wendell Kimbrough at Ebenezers Coffeehouse. If you all are around the neigborhood, drop by if you can.

Sorry for the no posts for a while, as you know, life gets busy :c), i'll try (really, i will this time) to update more.

May we all see the blessings of God and give those blessings back to Him

Much Love,
joe mikey mapa